1. The hijacked bus was carrying 20 passengers 

2. A passer-by called the fire department when he saw smoke

3. The result surpassed our expectation

4. No trespassing 



1. I was appointed to be one of the committee 

2. We were very disappointed with his failure

3. He is always punctual for appointments 

4. A pungent smell of spices came from the kitchen 



1. The kids disported themselves playing hide anh seek

2. The refugees were deported back to their country 

3. The photograph purports to show American pilots missing in Vietnam

4. The findings of this research donot comport with accepted theory



1. i propose that we discuss this at the next meeting

2. This book is composed of 5 chapters 

3. Some of the residents were exposed to radiation 

4. It is wildly supposed that the minister will be supposed to resign